PEQ Agri

sprang from our urge to take care of our land and the need to re-discover Nature.
Our mission is to honour our land and everything it gives us and to protect it and all its bounty.

Like the farms of old, we produce a little bit of everything and seek ways to protect the environment. We use traditional recipes when preparing our dishes and lots of passion when working our vineyards and gardens. We believe these values, which are ever harder to find in the chaos of modern life, still have a place in this world.

Natural produce and simple artesanal food processing drive our project.

We have no promises to keep or strict rules to follow, only the desire to appreciate the land we work and what it can yield, to find people with whom to share our dream and to find balance and sustainability in years to come; ethical practices are our founding principle.

Our company

With over 30 hectares of cultivated land, we operate in the agricultural, viticulture and hospitality sectors.

PEQ Agri aims to be a model virtuous and innovative farm.

Product sales, catering, accommodations and recreational activities are tools that enable us to share our love of the land and help our customers rediscover agriculture, which nowadays may seem quite removed from daily life.

Reclaiming abandoned farmland

Most of our cultivated land has been reclaimed, as it had been abandoned, lain fallow and had often turned to forest.

Through a reclamation project that includes water regimentation and the restoration of ancient stone walls, characteristic of the Ligurian landscape, we are committed to enhancing the flora of our beautiful Andora valley.

The vineyards we grow and the wines we produce

Our wines from the historic vineyards Lupi, Praié, Guglierame and Berry&Berry are expressions of excellence, quality and our passion for observing traditional Ligurian viticulture.
23 hectares of vineyards

We produce only high-quality wines from our vineyards located in various areas of the Western Ligurian Riviera, mainly in Andora, Albenga and Imperia. The soil in each area has specific geological and climatic features.

A unique and wonderful landscape, where the green hills covered with vineyards overlook the intense blue of the Ligurian Sea.

Ligurian native vines

We grow mainly native Ligurian vines: Pigato, Vermentino, Rossese, Grenache, Ormeasco di Pornassio, which are all Riviera Ligure di Ponente DOC, and Lumassina IGT Colline Savonesi.

Our farms and our produce

Because we value biodiversity, all our productions vary with the uniqueness of the soil and its microclimate.
Organic farming

We only use organic farming techniques.
We diversify our crops based on local biodiversity, terrain and micro-climate.

Our animals

We raise chickens, bees, goats, Brigasca sheep and other small animals and provide them with open spaces.
Our goal is to raise our animals in a semi-wild state.

Multi-purpose workshop

We craft all the cheeses, cured meats, preserves and honey that our guests can try in our restaurants and buy at our shops.

Our olive groves

Our olive groves are located on an area of ​​over 15 hectares of typical terraces that characterise and distinguish the Ligurian landscape.

As in olden days, our Taggiasca olive trees now grow along the rows of handmade stone walls.
Almost all of our olive groves have been reclaimed from abandoned land that we have cleared to give new life to the surrounding landscape.

PEQ Agri’s extra-virgin olive oil is made using a cold pressing process of exclusively hand-picked olives from our own groves to preserve the extraordinary organoleptic characteristics of this Taggiasca cultivar.

Catering and gastronomic itineraries to discover Liguria "from seed to plate"

PEQ Agri is spread across a wide area of the Western Ligurian Riviera.
The land is wonderfully varied and there’s a mild micro-climate perfect for practising outdoor sport year round.

Every “Peq Agri Experience” package is fully customisable and may be adapted for specific needs. We offer a wide range of activities on-site and off, including tastings of our locally made wines, sailing trips, farm visits, e-bike excursions, tennis, golf and much more!

Our guests are welcome to enjoy our various accommodation spread across the Western Ligurian Riviera. We have something for everyone! You can choose to stay near the beach at Andora, spend your holiday in a medieval hamlet at Colla Micheri or at our PEQ Agri Resort in Tovo San Giacomo, an oasis of peace and tranquillity immersed in nature.

Natural cosmetics

We’ve created a line of cosmetics made from our organic products. Our extra virgin olive oil, our Grenache Sciurbì and lavender are the only ingredients in our bar soaps, liquid soaps and shower gels. You can purchase them at our shop at Colla Micheri.